Some reflections on 2015, thanks to the inspiration from this great lady.

What really worked?  Loving Leah and being her mom.  I connected in a completely different level with her than with the other two.  Grace and redemption were so strong.  Homeschool with Hunter.  Being together-alone with Scott at night.  Purging my closet and keeping only the clothes that fit and that I wear.  Tuning into Madison’s gift of mothering and tenderness.

When did you feel really alive and energized and in sync with the flow of things?  When I taught the workshop on Raising Support.  When we met with young couples.  When I’m listening to the staff in my Circle share how they are dong.  On our morning walks.  During homeschool with Hunter.

Ask yourself what lessons can you learn from those times? That I thrive with focused relationships where I can give my attention and efforts to someone or thing.

What felt hard? Struggling with feeling overwhelmed and abandoned.  I chose to respond to those feelings by blocking others out or putting up walls or giving a mental middle finger to anyone around me.

What parts of the year were energetically draining? Madison’s emotions.  Hunter’s struggle with defiance.  Staying with in-laws at the end of the year.

What didn’t work like you wanted it to? Fitting into the clothes I had on my shelf.

What felt (or still feels) like a struggle? Respecting healthy boundaries of rest and nutrition.

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